22/10/2017 Panopticon Lavoisier.
230nsc1.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html 21/03/2019
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209.maxg.org 8/28/2024
Full 200,000,000 digits of PI.
4gravitons.com 11/10/2020
aaai.org 11/05/2018
aapt.scitation.org/journal/ajp 02/05/2021
American Journal of Physics (AJP). AJP publishes papers that meet the
needs and intellectual interests of college and university physics teachers and
aas.aanda.org 09/11/2021
abs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/abs 18/07/2020 Acta Biologica Szegediensis is an
international peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the University of
Szeged yearly, in two issues per volume.
academic.oup.com/acn 03/12/2020
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. The journal publishes original
contributions dealing with psychological aspects of the etiology, diagnosis,
and treatment of disorders arising out of dysfunction of the central nervous
acelerandolaciencia.wordpress.com 10/12/2019 Acelerando la Ciencia.
acta.chem-soc.si 11/10/2020
advances.sciencemag.org 09/08/2020
Science Advances.
aem.asm.org 02/05/2021
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) publishes study results
that make significant contributions to applied microbial research, basic
microbial ecology research, and genetic and molecular investigations of
microbial topics of practical value.
agtb.wordpress.com 10/12/2019 Turing’s Invisible Hand. Computation,
Economics, and Game Theory.
aima.cs.berkeley.edu 10/12/2019 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
aip.scitation.org 24/04/2020
Scitation. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of
the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
aitopics.org 10/12/2019 AITopics. An official publication of the
AAAI. AITopics is the Internet's largest collection of information about the
research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence.
alanrendall.wordpress.com 10/12/2019 Hydrobates. A mathematician thinks aloud.
algomasquenumeros.blogspot.com 10/12/2019
Algo más que números.
amsc.umd.edu 11/06/2020 UMD, University of Maryland. Applied
Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation (AMSC).
anagarciaazcarate.wordpress.com 11/12/2019
Juegos y matemáticas.
analyzemath.com 05/01/2019
andmaths.com 06/03/2017
annales.org 30/05/2020
ann-clinmicrob.biomedcentral.com 09/04/2021
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials considers good
quality, novel and international articles of more than regional relevance; the
journal covers the clinical microbiology of bacteria, viruses and fungi, as
well as antimicrobial treatment of infectious diseases.
antonuriarte.blogspot.com 01/04/2017
apcmfi.org 03/06/2018
aperez4.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
aprender-ensenyar-matematicas.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
arabidopsisgfp.ueb.cas.cz 01/09/2018
Arabidopsis Gene Family Profiler. In the arabidopsisGFP database, 353
Affymetrix ATH1 arrays are used. The arrays cover various organs and tissues at
several developmental stages.
arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/index 17/05/2020
Arbor, revista general del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas sobre ciencia, pensamiento y cultura, toma su nombre del árbol de
la ciencia o Arbor Scientiae que utilizó Ramón Llull para representar las
diferentes ramas del saber.
arxiv.org 11/02/2019
arXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics,
non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology and statistics.
arxiv.org/archive/astro-ph 11/02/2019
arxiv.org/archive/math 11/02/2019
arxiv.org/corr/home 11/02/2019
arxiv.org/list/math.AC/recent 12/05/2018
arxiv.org/list/math.RA/recent 12/05/2018
arxiv.org/list/math/new 12/05/2018
arxiv.org/list/math/recent 12/05/2018
arxiv.org/pdf/0811.2520.pdf 05/11/2017
as.nyu.edu/physics.html 12/11/2020
Department of Physics. New York University.
aseva.es 8/29/2024
Asociación Española del Vacío y sus Aplicaciones. ASEVA is a dynamic
member of the IUVSTA, committed to promoting advancing vacuum science and
technology in Spain.
astrojem.com 06/03/2017
auladeblanca.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
auladetecnologias.blogspot.com 01/04/2017
aura.gsfc.nasa.gov 8/29/2024
Aura Atmospheric Chemistry. Aura obtains measurements of ozone, aerosols
and key gases throughout the atmosphere using technologically innovative space
aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk 8/28/2024 AuroraWatch UK. See the aurora borealis from
the UK.
b3ck.blogspot.com 13/12/2019
benthamscience.com 27/03/2020
Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical (STM) publisher,
providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest
information in diverse fields of science and technology.
benthamscience.com/journals/current-topics-in-medicinal-chemistry 8/28/2024 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry.
benthamscience.com/journals/mini-reviews-in-medicinal-chemistry 8/28/2024 Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry.
bibliotecadigital.ilce.edu.mx/sites/ciencia/menu.htm 06/03/2017
bibliotheque.math.u-psud.fr 09/03/2019
10/12/2020 BioDinaMik project is
one of the EU initiatives for five young researchers that allows them to
realize their ideas and initiatives, improve existing skills and bring the
results of previous projects at a new higher level.
biology.columbia.edu 26/10/2017 The Department of Biological Sciences was
formed in 1966 through the merger of two previous departments, Zoology and
Botany. The Zoology Department had a very distinguished history.
biom.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/index.html 18/02/2017
blocdemat.wordpress.com 24/04/2020
Bloc de mat.
blog.nuclearsecrecy.com 01/04/2017
blogdemonchu.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
blogs.algebra.us.es 02/04/2017
blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/rmy5 19/08/2017
blogs.elcorreo.com/el-navegante 06/03/2017
blogs.scientificamerican.com 01/04/2020
Scientific American Blog Network.
bms.ulb.ac.be/cgi/welcome.php 27/05/2017
books.google.es/books?id=qR8DAAAAMBAJ 13/03/2020
Popular Science (May 1872-Mar 2009) gives our readers the information
and tools to improve their technology and their world.
books.google.es/books?id=S98DAAAAMBAJ 13/03/2020
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help
them master the modern world.
books.google.es/books?id=WhEAAAAAQAAJ 8/28/2024
A Dictionary of Chemistry: Containing the Theory and Practice of that
Science: Its Application to Natural Philosophy, Natural History, Medicine, and
Animal Economy, Volumen 3.
centromatematico.uregina.ca/index.php 07/03/2017
cgr20.blogspot.com 18/09/2017
chem.columbia.edu 30/04/2019 Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at
Columbia University, one of the premier institutions for academic chemical
chem.columbia.edu/academics/undergraduate/chandler-society 26/10/2017
The Chandler Society for Undergraduate Chemistry is a club run by
undergraduates for the purpose of promoting enjoyment and knowledge of science,
particularly chemistry.
chem-bla-ics.linkedchemistry.info 8/28/2024
Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses computers
to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
chemdb.niaid.nih.gov 8/28/2024 ChemDB HIV, Opportunistic Infection and
Tuberculosis Therapeutics Database.
chemical-quantum-images.blogspot.com 8/28/2024 Chemical Quantum Images. Molecular Graphics
and Theoretical Chemistry.
chemistry.berkeley.edu 8/28/2024
College of Chemistry. Berkeley Chemistry. Advancing society through
education and research.
ciencia.science.gov 06/03/2017
cienciadebolsillo.com 06/03/2017
cienciaxxi.es/blog 02/04/2017
cifrasyteclas.com 02/04/2017
ciin.org 08/12/2017
Founded in 1990, the Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) is a
501(c)3, tax-exempt, non-profit support and advocacy organization run by the
chemically injured primarily for the benefit of the chemically injured.
circuitscout.com 29/10/2017
claragrima.com 02/04/2017
cluster-divulgacioncientifica.blogspot.com 21/12/2019
cmans.wordpress.com 02/04/2017
cmr.research.columbia.edu 08/12/2017 The Center for Molecular Recognition was
founded in 1989 to provide a focus for research on the structure and function
of membrane receptors and transport proteins.
cnx.org 19/03/2019
OpenStax believes that everyone has something to learn, and everyone has
something to teach.
coachingparamatematicos.wordpress.com 06/03/2017
coffeeshopphysics.com 8/29/2024
Coffeeshop Physics. Jim Pivarski. A collection of informal articles
about physics.
conjeturasdeunamatematica.wordpress.com 06/03/2017
cuentosymates.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
culturacientifica.com 10/12/2019
El Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (CCC) es una publicación de la Cátedra
de Cultura Científica de la UPV/EHU.
dalilahuck.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
danielmarin.naukas.com 28/05/2017
darwin-online.org.uk 04/06/2018 Darwin Online is the largest and most widely
consulted edition of the writings of Darwin ever published. It is probably the
most extensive scholarly website devoted to any historical figure.
desayunoconfotones.org 21/09/2018
dg.dk 10/12/2017
directory.web.cern.ch 8/29/2024 The CERN Directory. Search for what you
need, or browse CERN websites. Looking for the Scientists or CERN Community
sections, or just curious about CERN?
dmi.uib.cat 15/10/2016
Benvinguts al Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica de la
Universitat de les Illes Balears. El grup humà del departament està format per
pràcticament 100 persones entre professors, investigadors i personal
d'administració i serveis.
dmi.uib.cat 8/29/2024
Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica. Universitat de les
Illes Balears.
docentes.educacion.navarra.es/msadaall/geogebra 06/03/2017
dornsife.usc.edu/physics 8/28/2024
Department of Physics and Astronomy. Our mission is to conduct
outstanding research and teaching in physics and astronomy.
drkhamsi.com 09/03/2019
dwb.unl.edu 31/03/2019