eaa.crcpress.com 23/12/2016 Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
eapsweb.mit.edu 26/04/2017 EAPS is about hard, quantitative science,
known for its emphasis on academic rigor, hands-on training, collaboration, and
the cross fertilization of ideas.
earth.elsevier.com/geobiology 11/01/2017 The Virtual Journal of Geobiology is available exclusively on the Web.
ebooks.benthamscience.com 31/03/2019 Bentham Science publishes eBooks in all areas of Science, Technology, Medicine.
ebooks.library.cornell.edu/m/math 28/10/2016
The Cornell Historic Math Monograph Collection consists of digital
surrogates for materials that were part of a joint study involving Digital
Preservation between Cornell University and the Xerox Corporation.
ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en 03/06/2018
ece.umd.edu 11/06/2020
UMD, University of Maryland. Department of Electrical and Computer
echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/home 24/04/2020
ECHO. Cultural Heritage Online. Open Access Infrastructure for a Future
Web of Culture and Science.
ecmiindmath.org 30/06/2021
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is a
consortium of academic institutions and industrial companies.
ecrystals.chem.soton.ac.uk 09/08/2018
edison.rutgers.edu 13/11/2019
The Thomas A. Edison Papers Project is one of the most ambitious editing
projects ever undertaken by an American university.
educacionquimica.wordpress.com 06/03/2017
edumat.net 06/03/2017
eliatron.blogspot.com 02/04/2017
elmundoderafalillo.blogspot.com 05/04/2020
elneutrino.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
elpaissemanal.elpais.com/documentos/rafael-yuste 19/08/2017
emps.exeter.ac.uk 16/07/2015
empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin//zeta/cohen.htm 16/07/2015
empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin//zeta/cohen1.pdf 16/07/2015
epsrc.ukri.org 02/03/2019
epubs.siam.org 09/09/2020 SIAM Publications Online. For more than 50
years, SIAM books have been a leading source of knowledge for the world’s
applied mathematics and computational science communities.
erlweb.mit.edu 26/04/2017
The Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL) is MIT’s home for research and
education focused on sub-surface energy resources and environmental issues.
esnetupdates.wordpress.com 17/11/2017
espegesteira.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
estudiarfisica.com 05/01/2019
ethnobiology.org 8/31/2024
Society of Ethnobiology. Our interests encompass ethnobotany,
ethnozoology, linguistics, paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology, ethnoecology, and
other related areas in anthropology and biology.
ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com 12/10/2020
eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-NME.html 19/04/2017
euclid.trentu.ca/math 15/05/2018
euclid.ucsd.edu 15/05/2018
euro-math-soc.eu 03/06/2018
faculty.evansville.edu/ck6 8/31/2024
Clark Kimberling. Professor of Mathematics, University of Evansville.
fankhauserblog.wordpress.com 02/04/2018
David Fankhauser. Educator, Biologist, Chemist, Traveler.
faraday.physics.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/Flash 19/11/2012
fas.org 11/08/2019 The Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
provides science-based analysis of and solutions to protect against
catastrophic threats to national and international security.
fas.org/man/dod-101/navy/docs/laser/fundamentals.htm 11/08/2019
Laser Fundamentals. Robert Aldrich. The word "laser" is an
acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
fernandorevilla.es 29/05/2018
fi.mimuw.edu.pl/index.php/FI 10/12/2017
filmklub.au.dk 10/12/2017
flavorchemists.com 08/12/2016
26/02/2016 FOLDOC is a computing
folia.paru.cas.cz 27/03/2020
International journal that covers all branches of animal parasitology,
including morphology, taxonomy, biology, biochemistry, physiology, immunology
and molecular biology of parasites, host-parasite relationships and parasite
format314.blogs.uv.es 06/03/2017
fottea.czechphycology.cz 27/03/2020
Fottea is a journal of Czech Phycological Society (formerly bulletin
Czech Phycology).
fourmilab.ch 20/06/2018
front.math.ucdavis.edu 09/09/2019
Front for the arXiv. The arXiv is a permanent, freely available digital
library of research articles (or e-prints) in physics, mathematics, computer
science, and quantitative biology maintained at Cornell University.
fteorica.unizar.es 20/06/2016
functions.wolfram.com 15/05/2018 The Wolfram Functions Site. The world's
largest collection of formulas and graphics about more than 300,000
mathematical functions for the mathematics and science communities.
galaxiamatematicas.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k34794n/f1.image 26/10/2016
gaussianos.com 06/03/2017
geology.humboldt.edu 19/11/2020 Department of Geology. Humboldt State
University. Our geology program offers a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of
Arts degree, giving you the flexibility to pursue the education—and career—that
you want.
gfm.cii.fc.ul.pt 15/05/2016
gfm.cii.fc.ul.pt/people 15/05/2016
gfm.cii.fc.ul.pt/people/jrezende 15/05/2016
glauciasouza.com 17/01/2021 Dr. Glaucia Mendes Souza is a Full Professor
at the Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo. Her lab focuses on
sugarcane biotechnology, genomics and bioinformatics.
grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/home.html 8/31/2024 Michael Somos. I am Michael Somos and I am
interested in information, especially about mathematics, and computing.
graph.tk 06/03/2017
gsejournal.biomedcentral.com 10/05/2019 Genetics Selection Evolution is an open
access, peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to original research on all
aspects of genetics and selection in domestic animal species and other species
providing results of immediate interest for farm animals' genetics.
8/31/2024 The Hitchhiker's Guide
to the Galaxy: Earth Edition.
heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/journal/journals.html 21/05/2017
The HEASARC Journal Legacy was published on paper from May 1992 to June
1998 and provided both up-to-date information about activities at the HEASARC
and articles on high energy data research including, e.g., calibration reports,
analysis techniques, and data format standards.
hibp.ecse.rpi.edu 09/09/2019 Welcome to the Plasma Dynamics Lab, the home
of RPI's research in plasma engineering and electromagnetics. A substantial
portion of our work is directed at high temperature, magnetically confined
hires.physics.utah.edu 15/05/2018
Located at the University of Utah, the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes)
is an experiment to study the highest energy cosmic rays to determine the
energy, direction, and chemical composition of the incident particle.
hires.physics.utah.edu/history.html 15/05/2018
The term "Cosmic Rays" refers to elementary particles, nuclei,
and electro-magnetic radiation of extra-terrestrial origin. These may include
exotic, short-lived particles such as muons, pi-mesons or lambda baryons.
historiasdeuncientifico.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
history.aip.org/history/exhibits/einstein 02/02/2017
Albert Einstein: Read about Einstein's astounding theory of relativity
and his discovery of the quantum, his thoughtful philosophy, and his rise above
a turbulent life including marriages and exile.
historyofscience.free.fr 24/04/2020 Lavoisier's friends. Panopticon Lavoisier
tiene como objetivo crear un museo virtual de las colecciones del químico
francés Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) diseminado por todo el mundo.
historyofscience.free.fr/Comite-Lavoisier 12/2/2023
Les amis de Lavoisier.
hmoro.imss.fi.it/lavoisier/index_fr.htm 13/02/2020
Panopticon Lavoisier offers a preliminary survey of the collections of
the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) scattered throughout
the world.
hmsc.harvard.edu 27/12/2020
Harvard Museums of Science & Culture.
holyjoe.net/hobbies.htm 15/01/2018
home.bway.net/lewis 20/08/2017
Fermat is a computer algebra system for Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and
Unix by me, Robert H. Lewis of Fordham University, that does arithmetic of
arbitrarily long integers and fractions, multivariate polynomials, symbolic
calculations, matrices over polynomial rings, graphics, and other numerical
home.frognet.net/~ejcov/index40.html 22/06/2016
Early Incandescent Lamps. The history of the electric incandescent lamp
can be considered to have begun with the invention of the voltaic pile by
Alessandro Volta in 1800.
home.math.au.dk 02/09/2016
home.math.au.dk/asmus 02/09/2016
home.math.au.dk/jensen 10/12/2017
home.math.au.dk/kock 10/12/2017
home.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/mildenberger 11/12/2017
home.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/mildenberger/publist.htm 05/09/2019
Heike Mildenberger. Publications.
home.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/personen/list 11/12/2017
home.web.cern.ch 8/31/2024
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN. Nous sondons la
structure fondamentale de la matière qui compose tout ce qui nous entoure. Pour
ce faire, nous utilisons les instruments scientifiques les plus grands et les
plus complexes du monde.
hus.vnu.edu.vn/vi 03/06/2018
hypatiamatematicas.blogspot.com 06/03/2017
hypertextbook.com 8/31/2024 The Physics Hypertextbook is a reaction to
three big problems with textbooks: lack of writer's voice, layouts that reduce
readability, and outdated economics.
iapso-ocean.org 9/1/2024 International Association for the Physical
Sciences of the Oceans. IAPSO promotes the study of the oceans and its
interactions at the sea floor, coastal, and atmospheric boundaries using
mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
iase-web.org 9/1/2024 The International Association for
Statistical Education (IASE) functions as the international umbrella
organization for statistics education.
icecube.umd.edu/Home.html 05/11/2017
icecube.wisc.edu 10/01/2021
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is the first detector of its kind,
designed to observe the cosmos from deep within the South Pole ice. An
international group of scientists responsible for the scientific research makes
up the IceCube Collaboration.
icm.mcs.kent.edu 16/05/2018
icm.mcs.kent.edu/research 16/05/2018
icm.mcs.kent.edu/research/iamc.html 16/05/2018
ijponline.biomedcentral.com 23/08/2020
Italian Journal of Pediatrics is an open access peer-reviewed journal
that includes all aspects of pediatric medicine.
ijr.sagepub.com 13/01/2016
imaginary.org/es/physical-exhibits 07/03/2017
imaman.oxfordjournals.org 20/01/2016
The IMA Journal of Management Mathematics publishes mathematics for
imamat.oxfordjournals.org 20/01/2016 The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics is a
direct successor of the Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications which was started in 1965 with the aim of publishing papers in all
areas of the application of mathematics.
imamci.oxfordjournals.org 20/01/2016 The IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and
Information is dedicated to developing solutions to the unsolved problems in
control and information theory.
imammb.oxfordjournals.org 20/01/2016 Mathematical Medicine and Biology publishes
original articles with a significant mathematical content addressing topics in
medicine and biology. Papers exploiting modern developments in applied
mathematics are particularly welcome.
immunology.sciencemag.org 23/08/2020 Science Immunology. Immunology is in a
period of unprecedented expansion and progress.
indices.csic.es 01/10/2021 Información y Documentación de la Ciencia en
España (ÍnDICEs-CSIC) es un recurso bibliográfico multidisciplinar que recopila
y difunde principalmente artículos de investigación publicados en revistas
científicas españolas.
info.maths.ed.ac.uk 16/05/2018
inid.umh.es 8/31/2024 nstituto de Investigación de
Drogodependencias (INID). Universidad Miguel Hernández - Campus de Sant Joan.
integral-table.com 11/12/2019 Table of Integrals. Over 3,626,427 Integrals
interestingengineering.com 05/01/2020
iopscience.iop.org 09/09/2019 IOPscience is an online service for journal
content published by IOP Publishing. IOPscience embraces innovative
technologies to make it easier for researchers to access scientific, technical
and medical content.
iopscience.iop.org/journal/0004-637X 23/08/2020
The Astrophysical Journal is devoted to recent developments,
discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics.
iopscience.iop.org/journal/0036-021X 23/08/2020
Russian Chemical Reviews is the Russian Academy of Science’s leading
journal founded in 1932.
iopscience.iop.org/journal/1063-7869 23/08/2020
Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) is a translation of the
authoritative Russian-language review journal in physics, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh
Nauk, first published in 1918.
iopscience.iop.org/journalList 11/12/2019
Journals. IOPscience is an online service for journal content published
by IOP Publishing.
11/06/2020 UMD,
University of Maryland. Institute for Physical Science and Technology
11/06/2020 UMD, University of
Maryland. Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP).
11/06/2020 UMD, University of
Maryland. Institute for Systems Research.
16/01/2021 Issues in Science and
Technology. Issues is an award-winning quarterly journal devoted to the best
writing on policy related to science, technology, and society.
20/06/2021 Information
Technology and Innovation Foundation. ITIF is an independent, nonpartisan
research and educational institute focusing on the intersection of technological
innovation and public policy.