Thursday, November 19, 2020

University - College - Institute. - (11 links).   12/11/2020   Department of Physics. New York University. A strong physics curriculum was developed at NYU when the University acquired the Uptown Heights campus in the Bronx in 1894, where the Engineering School was housed and the Physics Department emerged as part of the University. We awarded the first PhD in physics in 1904.   19/11/2020   Department of Geology. Humboldt State University. Our geology program offers a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree, giving you the flexibility to pursue the education—and career—that you want. Studying our physical landscapes and the processes that form them gives you an understanding of our planet’s most pressing problems, and how to remedy them.   19/11/2020   The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.   12/11/2020   Department of Mathematics. Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. It provides concepts and techniques fundamental to many branches of social and natural sciences. University of Auckland.   12/11/2020   IQS. Institut Químic de Sarrià. Barcelona. A IQS creiem que els somnis són per complir-los, per això donem als nostres alumnes les eines que necessiten per assolir-los. A IQS formem professionals que facin del demà un món millor.   12/11/2020   Matematikcentrum. Lunds Universitet.   12/11/2020   School of Mathematics. Trinity College Dublin.   12/11/2020   School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary University of London.   13/11/2020   Velkommen til Institut for Matematik & Datalogi. Her har vi samlet det bedste inden for forskning, uddannelse og studiemiljø i matematik og datalogi i vores afdeling af Syddansk Universitet.   19/11/2020   Zlab develops computational algorithms and applies them to biological problems. They focus research on regulatory molecules and their interactions, such as regulatory proteins and their DNA/RNA target sites.   19/11/2020   Goethe-Universität. Das Institut für Theoretische Physik ist das größte Institut des Fachbereichs Physik. Mit ingesamt zwölf ProfessorInnen deckt das Institut ein breites Spektrum von unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebieten der modernen Theoretischen Physik ab.