www.0 _ www.d - (127 links).

www.a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp   29/12/2016

www.aaamath.com   14/09/2017

www.aanda.org   04/04/2020   Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) is an international journal which publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics.

www.abc.net.au/news/science   11/10/2020

www.academie-sciences.fr/fr   06/03/2017   L'Académie des sciences doit son origine à la fois aux cercles de savants qui dès le début du XVIIe siècle se réunissent autour d'un mécène ou d'une personnalité érudite, et aux sociétés scientifiques permanentes qui se constituent à la même époque, telles l'Accademia dei Lincei à Rome (1603), la Royal Society à Londres (1645),...

www.acponline.org   11/03/2017

www.acs.org/content/acs/en.html   12/07/2020   American Chemical Society. ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and the premier home of chemistry professionals. Founded in 1876 and chartered by the U.S. Congress, we are one of the world’s largest scientific organizations with more than 150,000 members in 140+ countries.

www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers.html   23/04/2015   Chemistry Jobs, Careers, & Professional Development. American Chemical Society. ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry.

www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education.html   23/04/2015   Education. American Chemical Society. ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry.

www.adam-ries-bund.de   10/04/2015   Im Vorfeld des 500. Geburtstages von Adam Ries wurde am 3. Oktober 1991 in Annaberg-Buchholz der ADAM-RIES-Bund e.V. (ARB) gegründet und setzt sich das Ziel der Bewahrung des nationalen kulturellen Erbes, das seinen Ausgangspunkt im Schaffen des Rechenmeisters hat.

www.aei.mpg.de   17/09/2015

www.aip.org   03/11/2019   The American Institute of Physics is a federation that advances the success of our 10 Member Societies and an institute that operates as a center of excellence supporting the physical sciences enterprise.

www.aiqu.org.uy   29/01/2018

www.alcyone.com/max/physics   04/04/2020   Physics. Physics-related information. Erik Max Francis.

www.alcyone.com/max/physics/laws   04/04/2020   The laws list. Laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics. Erik Max Francis.

www.altitude.org/air_pressure.php   16/09/2017

www.altitude.org/home.php   16/09/2017

www.americanscientist.org   18/10/2020   American Scientist. Award-winning magazine American Scientist is an illustrated bi-monthly publication about science, engineering, and technology—published by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society since 1913.

www.annales.org/archives/x/cornu.html   12/09/2016   Alfred CORNU (1841-1902). Fils de François Marie Louis CORNU, juge de paix, et de Eugénie Sophie POINSELLIER. Beau-père de Louis de LAUNAY. Une arr.-petite-fille de Alfred CORNU épousa Gilles LEGRAND. Ancien élève de l'Ecole polytechnique (promotion 1860, entré classé 8, sorti classé 2), et de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris (promotion 1862, sorti classé 2). Corps des mines.

www.apronus.com/math/goedel.htm   23/05/2016

www.apronus.com/math/math.htm   23/05/2016

www.apronus.com/provenmath   23/05/2016

www.apronus.com/provenmath/index.htm   25/12/2014

www.aps.org   09/09/2019   American Physical Society (APS) is a non-profit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities. The American Physical Society was founded on May 20, 1899, when 36 physicists gathered at Columbia University for that purpose.

www.aps.org/about/history/index.cfm   22/03/2015   Early Years: Journals Added to Meetings. In the early years, virtually the sole activity of the APS was to hold scientific meetings, initially four per year. In 1913, the APS took over the operation of the Physical Review, which had been founded in 1893 at Cornell, and journal publication became its second major activity.

www.aps.org/careers/index.cfm   22/03/2015   Physics Jobs and Careers. The APS Careers in Physics website is a gateway for physicists, students, and physics enthusiasts to information about physics jobs and careers. Find physics job listings, career advice, upcoming workshops and meetings, and career and job related resources.

www.aps.org/programs/education   22/03/2015   APS Involvement in Education. In partnership with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), APS produced a booklet on the history of the Society's involvement in education.

www.aps.org/programs/women   08/10/2015   Through the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP), APS is committed to encouraging the recruitment, retention, and career development of women physicists at all levels. The Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) was founded in 1972 to address the encouragement and career development of women physicists.

www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/archives/index.cfm   08/10/2015   APS News is published eleven times a year, monthly, except the August/September issue. APS News contains the news of APS and its Units, as well as reports, announcements, and opinions. The American Physical Society was founded on May 20, 1899, when 36 physicists gathered at Columbia University for that purpose.

www.aps.org/publications/index.cfm   08/10/2015   APS publications serve the international physics community with peer-reviewed research journals, news and commentary about the latest research published in the APS journals, news about and for members, information about physics and its place in the world, and blogs covering science policy, as well as fun and educational science news.

www.arabidopsis.org   20/10/2015

www.arabidopsis.org/abrc   20/10/2015

www.arbolmat.com   02/02/2016   La galería El árbol de las Matemáticas, sobre Matemáticas, Ciencia y Tecnología, es una iniciativa conjunta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) y la Fundación Uni>ersia.

www.arkat-usa.org   05/01/2015

www.aslonline.org/index.htm   16/07/2015

www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~optics   14/04/2016   IoA Instrumentation Group. Our 3 main projects currently are. Institute of Astronomy. University of Cambridge.

www.astro.caltech.edu   16/08/2019

www.astro.ucla.edu   12/02/2018   The Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics is part of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, one of several Physical Sciences departments in the College of Letters & Sciences at UCLA. Our faculty conduct landmark theoretical research ranging from the quark to the cosmos.

www.au.dk   10/12/2017

www.auckland.ac.nz/en/science/about-the-faculty/department-of-mathematics.html   12/11/2020   Department of Mathematics. Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. It provides concepts and techniques fundamental to many branches of social and natural sciences. University of Auckland.

www.austms.org.au   27/03/2015

www.austms.org.au/ANZIAM+Journal   27/03/2015

www.austms.org.au/HomePage   19/03/2020   The Australian Mathematical Society is the national society of the mathematics profession in Australia. Our mission is to promote and extend mathematical knowledge and its applications. Founded in 1956, our mission is the promotion and extension of mathematical knowledge and its applications. We represent all professional mathematicians in Australia, both pure and applied.

www.austms.org.au/Publ/Bulletin   27/03/2015

www.azimuthproject.org/azimuth/show/HomePage   19/03/2020   The Azimuth Project is an international collaboration to create a focal point for scientists and engineers interested in saving the planet. But the very health of the planet is in peril because of the actions of humankind. Whether it is global warming, mass extinction, peak oil, or other problems, we need to be prepared on many fronts for an uncertain future.

www.bardessciences.net   14/09/2014

www.bbc.com/news/science_and_environment   09/09/2019   Science & Environment. BBC News.

www.bbk.ac.uk/boyle   24/04/2020   Robert Boyle Project. Birkbeck College, University of London.

www.beppescienza.eu   08/05/2017

www.bibliotek.dtu.dk   10/12/2017

www.bioblogia.net   04/06/2018   Bioblogia es la web que me hubiera gustado leer cuando empecé a estudiar biología, allá por principios de siglo. Ahora, después de varios años trabajando como biólogo, intento compartir aquí lo que he terminado aprendiendo a base de darme cabezazos por todo el mundo.

www.biochim.ro   16/02/2016   Institutul de Biochimie a fost fondat in 1952 pentru a desfasura cercetari pe patru directii principale: biochimia plantelor & animalelor; enzimologie si imuno-chimie. In 1972 Institutul a fost desfiintat si integrat sub forma de doua laboratoare: Enzimologie si Imunochimie in cadrul Institutului de Stiinte Biologice Bucuresti.

www.biolib.de   06/03/2017   Kurt Stüber's Online Library. Eine Sammlung historischer und moderner Biologiebücher. 165141 gescannte Seiten aus 526 Büchern. Jetzt über 100000 gescannte Seiten verfügbar! Die 100000ste Seite stammt aus der Algenflora von England und stellt die Alge Sphacelaria scoparia dar, einem Naturselbstdruck unter Verwendung einer echten Alge (14. September 2005).

www.bioorganica.org.ua   05/01/2015

www.bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de   15/11/2015

www.braininitiative.nih.gov/index.htm   19/08/2017

www.broune.com   13/04/2019   Bjarke Hammersholt Roune, PhD. I'm a Silicon Valley software engineer. Before that I did academic computer algebra research with a focus on Groebner bases, monomial ideals and the Frobenius problem.

www.brown.edu/academics/math   08/09/2018   Department of Mathematics. Brown University.

www.bu.edu/bioinformatics   17/09/2016

www.bu.edu/bmerc/publications   17/09/2016

www.bu.edu/cawses   17/09/2016

www.bu.edu/cism   17/09/2016

www.bu.edu/math   07/10/2016

www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/biomedforensic   17/09/2016

www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math   25/12/2014

www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/pages/Home.aspx   18/06/2015

www.ccs3.lanl.gov/group   25/12/2014

www.cell.com/molecular-plant/home   08/10/2015   Molecular Plant is dedicated to serving the plant science community by publishing novel and exciting findings with high significance in plant biology. The journal focuses broadly on cellular biology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, development, plant-microbe interaction, genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular evolution.

www.cfa.harvard.edu   14/07/2014

www.chaos-math.org/es   07/03/2017

www.chem.gla.ac.uk/~alanc/dept/cullen.htm   08/07/2016   William Cullen, M.D. Lecturer in Chemistry, Glasgow University, 1747-55. Founder (1747) and first lecturer in Chemistry.

www.chem.ox.ac.uk   19/02/2016   The earliest periods of the development of a university chemistry school at Oxford are not easily unravelled from the simultaneous development of schools in physics and biochemistry. Chemistry was seen to be a truly separate discipline with the building of its own laboratory as an appendix to the Science Museum which opened in 1860.

www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/rschg   19/02/2016   RSC Historical Group. The homepage for the Historical Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/rschg/biog.html   19/02/2016   Biographies of Chemists. Prepared by Peter Morris.

www.chem.queensu.ca   27/12/2014   Research in Chemistry at Queen’s is focused in alternative, multidisciplinary areas rather than traditional organic/inorganic/physical divisions. Research is going on in Biological-Medicinal, Materials, Computational-Theoretical and Environmental-Analytical chemistry.

www.chem.uni-potsdam.de/index.php   19/02/2016   Institut für Chemie der Universität Potsdam.

www.chemheritage.org   29/01/2018   Chemical Heritage Foundation. We collect, preserve, and exhibit historical artifacts. We engage communities of scientists, engineers, and the curious public. We tell the stories of the people behind breakthroughs and innovations. Much of the stuff of civilization—from food to medicines to materials—was created by people familiar with matter and how to manipulate it.

www.chemheritage.org/collections   06/03/2017   CHF has a world-class collection of historical objects, artworks, photographs, books, and archives from chemistry’s origins through the 21st century.

www.chemheritage.org/museum-at-chf   06/03/2017   Have you ever wondered how plastics are made? Where crayons get their colors? Do you want to find out how the code of DNA was cracked? Or how we can measure oxygen on Mars? Explore with us! A visit to the Museum at CHF is a journey through the weird and wonderful world of matter and materials.

www.chemicool.com   03/08/2014

www.chemieunterricht.de/dc2/haus/index.html   26/09/2015

www.chemieunterricht.de/dc2/lehrmat.htm   26/09/2015

www.chemievorlesung.uni-kiel.de   10/01/2017

www.chemistry.or.jp/index.html   05/10/2020

www.chemistryworld.com   04/04/2020   Chemistry news, research and opinions. Chemistry World. Chemistry, covered. Science news, research, reviews, features and opinions. Read Chemistry World to keep up with stories from across the chemical sciences.

www.chemlin.de   23/07/2014   Umfangreiches Internetverzeichnis mit Informationsquellen zur Chemie und angrenzendender Fachgebiete sowie Chemie-Nachrichtenportal, Jobbörse, Datenbanken etc.

www.chemspider.com   10/03/2016

www.ciemat.es   20/09/2019

www.cientifica.com   21/06/2018   Cientifica was founded as CMP Cientifica in Madrid in 1997 in order to meet the advanced analytical needs of the European Space Agency. The ESA awarded a contract to CMP Cientifica to run the advanced materials characterization program for the Astrophysics research division.

www.ciphersbyritter.com   31/05/2016

www.ciphersbyritter.com/BOOKSHOP.HTM   31/05/2016

www.ciphersbyritter.com/GLOSSARY.HTM   31/05/2016

www.ciphersbyritter.com/MARK8   31/05/2016

www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RANDTEST.HTM   31/05/2016

www.cirklen.dk   10/12/2017

www.clarku.edu/departments/mathcs   25/12/2014

www.clarku.edu/departments/mathematics-and-computer-science   19/03/2020   The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers undergraduate students a major or major in mathematics and in a major in computer science.

www.claymath.org   27/09/2020   Clay Mathematics Institute. The Clay Mathematics Institute is a tax-exempt Private Operating Foundation dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge. It supports the work of leading researchers at various stages of their careers and organizes conferences, workshops, and summer schools. Contemporary breakthroughs are recognized by its annual Research Award.

www.claymath.org/millennium-problems   27/09/2020   Millennium Problems. Clay Mathematics Institute.

www.claymath.org/node/1370   27/09/2020   The Clay Mathematics Institute publishes two book series in partnership with the American Mathematical Society: the Clay Mathematics Proceedings, which contain papers based on lectures at Summer Schools and other CMI events, and the Clay Mathematics Monographs. It also provides an online library, in which books and other documents can be read online. 

www.clemson.edu/science/departments/math-stat   16/08/2019

www.clerkmaxwellfoundation.org   10/04/2015

www.cmu.edu/math/cna   16/08/2019

www.cnaa.ucv.ro   28/01/2016   The Centre for Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (CNAA) was founded in 2000 (December 1), by the following mathematicians of the University of Craiova: Cezar Avramescu, Dumitru Buşneag, Dana Constanţa Constantinescu, Adrian Duma, Sorin Micu, Constantin P. Niculescu, Carmen Rocşoreanu and Nicolae Ţarfulea.

www.cnam.fr   29/01/2018   Le CNAM. Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. Le Cnam est le seul établissement d’enseignement supérieur français dédié à la formation des adultes. Doté du statut de grand établissement, il est placé sous la tutelle du ministère en charge de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.

www.cnrs.fr/inc   28/01/2016

www.codesandciphers.org.uk/enigma   23/07/2014   The Enigma cipher machine. These pages give an introduction to substitution ciphers and then go on to explain exactly how the Enigma machine worked and how it was used.

www.columbia.edu/cu/chemistry   05/10/2014   The development of chemistry in the United States is tied closely to the development of chemistry at Columbia University. The figure at the right shows Charles Frederick Chandler, the founder of the modern Columbia chemistry department (4th from the left), and some of the first chemistry graduate students.

www.compute.dtu.dk   10/12/2017

www.compute.dtu.dk/English   31/01/2016

www.crtsite.com   04/09/2017

www.cs.cornell.edu/~ginsparg/physics/blurb/pg96unesco.html   01/01/2016

www.csm.ornl.gov/newsite/chemistry.html   11/01/2016

www.csm.ornl.gov/newsite/math.html   11/01/2016

www.cupp.fi   09/12/2017

www.damtp.cam.ac.uk   15/04/2020   DAMTP. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. University of Cambridge.

www.dannen.com/szilard.html   25/06/2018   Welcome to the world of physicist, molecular biologist, and “scientist of conscience” Leo Szilard (1898-1964). Szilard conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, and spent the rest of his life trying to protect the world from nuclear weapons.

www.darwinproject.ac.uk   04/02/2018

www.daylight.com   17/11/2015

www.dimensions-math.org   07/03/2017

www.dimi.uniud.it   16/07/2015

www.divulgamat.net   20/09/2019

www.dk-compmath.jku.at   03/06/2018

www.dpg-physik.de/index.html   06/03/2017   Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, deren Tradition bis in das Jahr 1845 zurückreicht, ist die älteste nationale und mit mehr als 62.000 Mitgliedern auch die größte physikalische Fachgesellschaft weltweit. Sie versteht sich als offenes Forum der Physikerinnen und Physiker und verfolgt als gemeinnütziger Verein keine wirtschaftlichen Interessen.

www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk   18/12/2014

www.dscg.unimore.it/site/home.html   21/08/2014

www.dur.ac.uk/mathematical.sciences   24/04/2020   Department of Mathematical Sciences. Durham University.