0 _ d - (146 links).   22/10/2017   Panopticon Lavoisier.

230nsc1.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html   21/03/2019

3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209.maxg.org   24/04/2020   Full 200,000,000 digits of PI.

3dpancakes.typepad.com   17/04/2018

4gravitons.com   11/10/2020   20/06/2016   El Paraíso de las Matemáticas es un portal web destinado a todas aquellas personas de la comunidad hispano hablante, que están interesadas en aumentar o perfeccionar sus conocimientos en el ámbito matemático. Aquí podrás encontrar apuntes, ejercicios, exámenes, programas, historia, juegos y múltiples recursos, todo ello de forma libre y gratuita.

aaai.org   11/05/2018

aapt.scitation.org   24/04/2020   Welcome to the American Journal of Physics (AJP). AJP publishes papers that meet the needs and intellectual interests of college and university physics teachers and students. AJP was established in 1933 under the title the American Physics Teacher, which covers Volumes 1 through 7. The name was changed to the American Journal of Physics in 1940.

aapt.scitation.org/journal/ajp   16/08/2020   American Journal of Physics. The American Journal of Physics focuses on novel approaches to laboratory and classroom teaching, insightful articles on topics in classic and modern physics, apparatus notes, and historical and cultural topics.

acelerandolaciencia.wordpress.com   10/12/2019   Acelerando la Ciencia.

acta.chem-soc.si   11/10/2020

advances.sciencemag.org   10/12/2019   Science Advances.

agtb.wordpress.com   10/12/2019   Turing’s Invisible Hand. Computation, Economics, and Game Theory.

aif.centre-mersenne.org   30/05/2020

aima.cs.berkeley.edu   10/12/2019   Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.

aip.scitation.org   24/04/2020   Scitation. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Our portfolio comprises highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including a growing portfolio of Open Access titles, that cover all areas of the physical sciences.

aitopics.org   10/12/2019   AITopics. An official publication of the AAAI. AITopics is the Internet's largest collection of information about the research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to educate and inspire through a wide variety of curated and organized resources gathered from across the web.

alanrendall.wordpress.com   10/12/2019   Hydrobates. A mathematician thinks aloud.

algomasquenumeros.blogspot.com   10/12/2019   Algo más que números.

amathew.wordpress.com   04/03/2016

amathew.wordpress.com/2011/02/06/freyds-initial-object-theorem   04/03/2016

amsc.umd.edu   11/06/2020   UMD, University of Maryland. Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation (AMSC).

anagarciaazcarate.wordpress.com   11/12/2019   Juegos y matemáticas.

analyzemath.com   05/01/2019

andmaths.com   06/03/2017

andrewgelman.com   17/04/2018

andrewgelman.com/2011/02/07/evaluating_pred   17/04/2018

andrewgelman.com/2012/10/14/if-x-is-correlated-with-y-then-y-is-correlated-with-x   17/04/2018

andrewgelman.com/books   17/04/2018

antonuriarte.blogspot.com   01/04/2017

apcmfi.org   03/06/2018

aperez4.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

apps.carleton.edu/curricular/chem   10/10/2016

apps.carleton.edu/curricular/math   10/10/2016

apps.carleton.edu/curricular/physics   10/10/2016

aprender-ensenyar-matematicas.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

arabidopsis.info   20/10/2015

arabidopsisgfp.ueb.cas.cz   01/09/2018   Arabidopsis Gene Family Profiler. In the arabidopsisGFP database, 353 Affymetrix ATH1 arrays are used. The arrays cover various organs and tissues at several developmental stages (see Legend and Dataset code list for details). This database is designed for wild type plants grown under standard conditions with no treatment (mostly controls in individual experiments).

arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/index   17/05/2020   Arbor, revista general del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas sobre ciencia, pensamiento y cultura, toma su nombre del árbol de la ciencia o Arbor Scientiae que utilizó Ramón Llull para representar las diferentes ramas del saber.

archive.org/details/KhanAcademy_Chemistry   07/08/2014   Chemistry: Salman Khan: Free Download & Streaming: Internet Archive. Videos on chemistry (roughly covering a first-year high school or college course).

arxiv.org   11/02/2019   arXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology and statistics. The contents of arXiv conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. arXiv is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation.

arxiv.org/archive/astro-ph   11/02/2019

arxiv.org/archive/math   11/02/2019

arxiv.org/corr/home   11/02/2019

arxiv.org/list/math.AC/recent   12/05/2018

arxiv.org/list/math.RA/recent   12/05/2018

arxiv.org/list/math/new   12/05/2018

arxiv.org/list/math/recent   12/05/2018

arxiv.org/pdf/0811.2520.pdf   05/11/2017

as.nyu.edu/physics.html   12/11/2020   Department of Physics. New York University. A strong physics curriculum was developed at NYU when the University acquired the Uptown Heights campus in the Bronx in 1894, where the Engineering School was housed and the Physics Department emerged as part of the University. We awarded the first PhD in physics in 1904.

aseva.es   17/03/2017   ASEVA is a non-profit organization founded on 1963 as a specialised working group of the Spanish Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Currently, ASEVA is a member of the IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications), where it participates actively.

astrojem.com   06/03/2017

auladeblanca.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

auladetecnologias.blogspot.com   01/04/2017

aura.gsfc.nasa.gov   30/12/2014

aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk   03/09/2014

b3ck.blogspot.com   13/12/2019

benthamscience.com   27/03/2020   Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical (STM) publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books have an ever-increasing readership of millions of researchers worldwide.

bibliotecadigital.ilce.edu.mx/sites/ciencia/menu.htm   06/03/2017

bibliotheque.math.u-psud.fr   09/03/2019

biology.columbia.edu   26/10/2017   The Department of Biological Sciences was formed in 1966 through the merger of two previous departments, Zoology and Botany. The Zoology Department had a very distinguished history.

biom.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/index.html   18/02/2017

blocdemat.wordpress.com   24/04/2020   Bloc de mat.

blog.chembark.com   10/01/2016   News, Analysis, and Commentary for the World of Chemistry & Chemical Research. The scope of this blog is the world of chemistry and chemical research. Common subjects of discussion include ideas, experiments, data, publications, writing, education, current events, lab safety, scientific policy, academic politics, history, and trivia. ChemBark is written and maintained by Paul Bracher.

blog.chembark.com/2010/11/09/from-the-cen-archives   27/09/2015

blog.chembark.com/2010/12/03/preliminary-thoughts-on-the-arsenic-based-life-paper   10/01/2016   Preliminary Thoughts on the “Arsenic-Based Life” Paper. December 3rd, 2010.

blog.khymos.org   18/03/2015   The name of this site, khymos (gr. χυμός), is Greek meaning “juice”. It is however related to al-kimiya, the Arabic word from which our word chemistry derives from. Other related words include Khemia, the old name of Egypt (meaning land of black earth) and the Greek khein and khymatos meaning “to pour” and “that which is poured out” respectively.

blog.nuclearsecrecy.com   01/04/2017

blog.physicsworld.com   27/09/2016   Blog - physicsworld. News, views and information for the global physics community from Institute of Physics Publishing.

blogdemonchu.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

blogphysica.wordpress.com   25/08/2014

blogs.algebra.us.es   02/04/2017

blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/rmy5   19/08/2017

blogs.elcorreo.com/el-navegante   06/03/2017

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist   09/03/2018   The Sceptical Chymist is a blog by the editors of Nature and the Research journals - and a forum for our readers, authors and the entire chemical community. We'll discuss what's new and exciting in chemistry and chemical biology, be it in our journals or elsewhere.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2008/07/nchem_research_highlights_isot.html   27/02/2017

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2008/08/nchem_research_highlights_mars.html   27/02/2017

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2010/12/pacifichem_2010_variety_is_the.html   10/01/2016   Pacifichem 2010: Variety is the spice of life. 18 Dec 2010. Anne Pichon.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2010/12/pacifichem_2010_warm_welcome.html   10/01/2016   Pacifichem 2010: Warm welcome. 16 Dec 2010. Neil Withers.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/01/back_to_the_future_of_chemistr.html   10/01/2016   Back to the future (of chemistry). 17 Jan 2011. Stuart Cantrill.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/01/blogroll_taking_the_p.html   10/01/2016   Blogroll: Taking the P. 25 Jan 2011. Neil Withers.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/01/international_year_of_chemistr.html   19/02/2016   International Year of Chemistry – bumper Nature issue. 05 Jan 2011, posted by Neil Withers.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/01/materials_girl_great_expectati.html   19/02/2016   Materials Girl: Great Expectations. 11 Jan 2011, posted by Neil Withers.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/01/the_greatest_chemist_of_all_ti.html   19/02/2016   The greatest chemist of all time?. 07 Jan 2011, posted by Stuart Cantrill.

blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/02/iyc2011_global_challenges_webc.html   19/02/2016   IYC2011 Global challenges webcast. 01 Feb 2011, posted by Neil Withers.

blogs.scientificamerican.com   01/04/2020   Scientific American Blog Network.

bms.ulb.ac.be/cgi/welcome.php   27/05/2017

books.google.es/books?id=qR8DAAAAMBAJ   13/03/2020   Popular Science (May 1872 - Mar 2009) gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

books.google.es/books?id=S98DAAAAMBAJ   13/03/2020   Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

books.google.es/books?id=WhEAAAAAQAAJ   07/10/2014   A Dictionary of Chemistry: Containing the Theory and Practice of that Science: Its Application to Natural Philosophy, Natural History, Medicine, and Animal Economy. Pierre Joseph Macquer James Keir. 1 de enero de 1777. T. Cadell - Editor.

centromatematico.uregina.ca/index.php   07/03/2017

cgr20.blogspot.com   18/09/2017

chem.columbia.edu   30/04/2019   Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at Columbia University, one of the premier institutions for academic chemical research. Our Department is home to internationally renowned faculty, a top-ranked graduate program, and state-of-the-art research facilities.

chem.columbia.edu/academics/undergraduate/chandler-society   26/10/2017   The Chandler Society for Undergraduate Chemistry is a club run by undergraduates for the purpose of promoting enjoyment and knowledge of science, particularly chemistry.

chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com   03/08/2014

chemdb.niaid.nih.gov/SimpleSearch.aspx   03/08/2014

chemdef.apgea.army.mil   03/08/2014   

chemicalcrystallinity.blogspot.com   03/08/2014

chemical-quantum-images.blogspot.com   07/10/2014

chemistress-sarah.blogspot.com   03/08/2014

chemistry.about.com   03/08/2014

chemistry.berkeley.edu   03/08/2014

chmwww.rutgers.edu   16/03/2015   Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Located on the Busch Campus of Rutgers in Piscataway, New Jersey, this department is home to a broad array of world class research programs that impact life in areas as diverse as health, energy, and environment.

ciencia.science.gov   06/03/2017

cienciadebolsillo.com   06/03/2017

ciencias.udea.edu.co   29/12/2015   Instituto de Matemáticas. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín. Colombia.

cienciaxxi.es/blog   02/04/2017

cifrasyteclas.com   02/04/2017

ciin.org   08/12/2017   Founded in 1990, the Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt, non-profit support and advocacy organization run by the chemically injured primarily for the benefit of the chemically injured. Its main focus is on education, credible research on multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), and the empowerment of the chemically injured.

circuitscout.com   29/10/2017

claragrima.com   02/04/2017

cluster-divulgacioncientifica.blogspot.com   21/12/2019

cmans.wordpress.com   02/04/2017

cmr.research.columbia.edu   08/12/2017   The Center for Molecular Recognition was founded in 1989 to provide a focus for research on the structure and function of membrane receptors and transport proteins. Current research concerns the kinetic modeling of receptors, channels, and transporters and the integration of these components in models of cellular signaling.

cnx.org   19/03/2019   OpenStax believes that everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach. Frustrated by the limitations of traditional textbooks and courses, Dr. Richard Baraniuk founded OpenStax (then Connexions) in 1999 at Rice University to provide authors and learners with an open space where they can share and freely adapt educational materials such as courses, books, and reports.

coachingparamatematicos.wordpress.com   06/03/2017

coffeeshopphysics.com   29/05/2015

cogeneration.pagesperso-orange.fr   05/01/2015

coloquiomatematica.blogspot.com   29/12/2015   Coloquio de Matemática. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela.

compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/tgi   17/04/2015

conjeturasdeunamatematica.wordpress.com   06/03/2017

cornellmath.wordpress.com   29/05/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/007humanagency.html   15/09/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/016socialcontrol.html   15/09/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/020communityviolence.html   15/09/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/029management.html   15/09/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/ab-sit.htm   15/09/2015

critcrim.org/redfeather/chaos/manag.htm   15/09/2015

cuentosymates.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

culturacientifica.com   10/12/2019   El Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (CCC) es una publicación de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la UPV/EHU. El CCC publica noticias sobre investigaciones recientes, artículos de divulgación general sobre todos los ámbitos de las ciencias, artículos de opinión y sobre todo, materiales que contribuyan a construir las bases de lo que se llama cultura científica, esto es, una aproximación crítica a la realidad basada en la evidencia.

curlyarrow.blogspot.com   01/01/2015

cwp.library.ucla.edu   18/12/2015   Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics: Historical archive of profiles of 20th century women who have made original and important contributions to physics. Each profile focuses on the physicist's scientific work, presents brief descriptions of major contributions,and lists important publications, honors, and appointments.

dalilahuck.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

danielmarin.naukas.com   28/05/2017

darwin-online.org.uk   04/06/2018   Darwin Online is the largest and most widely consulted edition of the writings of Darwin ever published. It is probably the most extensive scholarly website devoted to any historical figure.

desayunoconfotones.org   21/09/2018

dg.dk   10/12/2017

digital.library.cornell.edu/m/math   12/12/2014   The Cornell Historic Math Monograph Collection consists of digital surrogates for materials that were part of a joint study involving Digital Preservation between Cornell University and the Xerox Corporation.

directory.web.cern.ch/directory   07/01/2015

dmd.nihs.go.jp   25/11/2015

dmi.uib.cat   15/10/2016   Benvinguts al Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. El grup humà del departament està format per pràcticament 100 persones entre professors, investigadors i personal d'administració i serveis.

dmi.uib.es   21/10/2015

docentes.educacion.navarra.es/msadaall/geogebra   06/03/2017

dornsife.usc.edu/physics   14/09/2014

drkhamsi.com   09/03/2019

dwb.unl.edu   31/03/2019