t _ z - (60 links).

thales.cica.es   11/08/2019

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/14-1-b-Descartes.html   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/16-1-b-hamilton.html   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/17-1-b-RUSSELL.html   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/40-1-b-Kolmogorov.html   11/08/2019   Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-1987) completó sus estudios en la Universidad Estatal de Moscú en 1925 donde llegó a ser profesor en 1930. En 1935 recibió el grado doctoral en Física y Matemáticas; y desde 1938 hasta su muerte mantuvo la Cátedra en el Departamento de Lógica Matemática.

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/55_56-1-b-MSOMERVILLE.html   11/08/2019   Mary Somerville. Quienes tuvieron la suerte de conocerla no dudaron en llamarla "la reina de las ciencias del siglo XIX". Al final de su vida escribió: Tengo 92 años..., mi memoria para los acontecimiento ordinarios es débil pero no para las matemáticas o las experiencias científicas.

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Otros/01_1_b.html   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Otros/15-1-o-e.htm   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Otros/SISTNUM.html   13/06/2015

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0280-01/ed99-0280-01.html   11/08/2019   La estructura de los sistemas materiales.

thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0280-01/ejem3-libro.html   11/08/2019   Basado en el libro Introducción a los conceptos y teoría de las Ciencias Físicas. Gerald Holton & Revisada y ampliada por Stephen G. Brush.

theinspireproject.org   19/11/2020   The Inspire Project, Inc is a non-profit scientific educational corporation that provides engaging opportunities for students to observe naturally occurred Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves generated by lightning and in the process gain hands-on, real world experience in science and electronics.

theoryclass.wordpress.com   05/04/2020

tierra.rediris.es/megacryometeors   13/06/2015

umdgrb.umd.edu   05/11/2017

umdphysics.umd.edu   11/06/2020   UMD, University of Maryland. Department of Physics.

unapologetic.wordpress.com   19/11/2020   The Unapologetic Mathematician. Mathematics for the interested outsider. This is mainly an expository blath, with occasional high-level excursions, humorous observations, rants, and musings. The main-line exposition should be accessible to the “Generally Interested Lay Audience”, as long as you trace the links back towards the basics.

users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants   20/03/2016   Dirk Rijmenants. Cipher Machines and Cryptology. Historical and Technical Information about Crypto Machines, Cryptology and Free Software Simulations.

users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/bc-52.htm   03/01/2018   CIPHER MACHINES AND CRYPTOLOGY. Hagelin BC-52 Simulator. This software is an accurate simulation of the Hagelin BC-52, one of the most famous Cold War era crypto machines. After the success of the C-38 and M-209 as tactical cipher devices, Hagelin developed a cipher machine for high level military and diplomatic encryption.

users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/index.htm   19/11/2020   Cipher Machines and Cryptology. Technical and historical information on crypto machines and software simulations.

uwaterloo.ca/math   12/03/2018

vismath.tripod.com   22/05/2018

vismath.tripod.com/mart.htm   22/05/2018

w1tp.com/enigma/mfialka.htm   25/01/2016   Russian Cold War Era M-125 and M-125-3MN Fialka Cipher Machines: The Fialka is generally similar in design to the German Enigma cipher machine but it has 10 rotors with 30 Russian characters/contacts instead of the 3 or 4 rotors with 26 letters/numbers/contacts in the German WW-2 Enigmas.

web.mit.edu   19/11/2020   The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

web.mit.edu/8.02/www/Spring02   14/06/2015

web.mit.edu/smcs/8.02   14/06/2015

web.mit.edu/space/www   14/06/2015

web.mit.edu/space/www/voyager.html   14/06/2015

web.mit.edu/space/www/wind.html   14/06/2015

web.physics.udel.edu   18/12/2015   The Department of Physics and Astronomy (DPA) traces its ancestry back to a small teaching department which began in 1920. By the early 1960s the department had expanded into a major research department with the construction of Sharp Laboratory and the development of a full-scale doctoral program.

web.physics.udel.edu   24/04/2020   University of Delaware. Department of Physics & Astronomy.

web.physics.udel.edu/research   18/12/2015   Research. University of Delaware. Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. The experimental, theoretical, and computational research efforts in Delaware span an enormous range of energy scales. Learn more about our Physics Research.

web.physics.udel.edu/resources/library   18/12/2015   The Physics Library is a branch library of the UD Library System serving the faculty, staff and students enrolled in courses in general science. It is located at 221 Sharp Lab at the University of Delaware.

web4.cbm.uam.es/joomla-rl/index.php/es   03/02/2017

webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/newton   13/09/2017

webbook.nist.gov/chemistry   19/11/2020   Libro del Web de Química del NIST. NIST site provides chemical and physical property data on over 40,000 compounds.

webbook.nist.gov/chemistry   29/06/2020   Libro del Web de Química del NIST.

webusers.physics.umn.edu   07/06/2017

wfap.philo.at   16/07/2015

what-if.xkcd.com   08/07/2018

wiki.helsinki.fi/display/Logic/Home   15/12/2015   THE HELSINKI LOGIC GROUP. Mathematical logic uses exact mathematical methods, originally developed in algebra, topology, measure theory, analysis, and combinatorics to study the two thousand year old subject of logic.

www2.humboldt.edu/scimus   19/11/2020   Robert A. Paselk Scientific Instrument Museum. Richard A. Paselk, Curator. The Museum's collection consists primarily of scientific instruments and apparatus used at Humboldt State University, beginning around 1925. This web-site is intended to serve both as a stand-alone on-line museum, and as an information resource for physical displays.

www2.math.binghamton.edu/p   16/09/2018   The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DOMS) is a community of mathematicians and mathematical statisticians. We offer degrees at the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral level. Thus, besides our faculty and post-doctoral visitors, our community includes a large and valuable cadre of hard-working and talented undergraduate and graduate students.

www2.math.uni-paderborn.de   11/02/2015

www2.math-4-u.com   14/05/2017

www2.molmovdb.org   26/01/2017   Database of Macromolecular Movements with Associated Tools for Flexibility and Geometric Analysis. This describes the motions that occur in proteins and other macromolecules, particularly using movies. Associated with it are a variety of free software tools and servers for structural analysis.

www2.physics.ox.ac.uk   24/04/2020   University of Oxford. Department of Physics.

www-math.umd.edu   11/06/2020   UMD, University of Maryland. Department of Mathematics.

wwwphp.obs-banyuls.fr   18/02/2017

www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp   05/11/2017

xdb.lbl.gov   14/09/2015

xdb.lbl.gov/Section1/Periodic_Table/X-ray_Elements.html   19/11/2020   X-ray Properties of the Elements.

xdl.drexelmed.edu/womanmd.php   14/09/2015

xray.bmc.uu.se/~fredde/dicty   01/10/2016

xray.chm.bris.ac.uk   01/10/2016

zientzia.info/eu   14/09/2020   Kultura Zientifikoko Katedra Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak sortu zuen 2010eko urrian Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren laguntza ekonomikoarekin. Herritarron kultura zientifikoa sustatzeko sortu zuten katedra, eta horretarako, hitzaldiak, jardunaldiak eta mota bereko ekitaldiak antolatzen ditu; halaber, zientzia gaiak jorratzen dituzten hedabide digital zenbait argitaratzen ditu.

zientziakaiera.eus   10/12/2019   Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Kultura Zientifikoko Katedraren bloga.

zonalandeducation.com   01/06/2017   Welcome to Zona Land Education. Education in Physics and Mathematics. In Zona Land Education you will find educational and entertaining items pertaining to physics, to the mathematical sciences, and to mathematics in general.

ztfnews.wordpress.com   06/03/2017