j _ n - (128 links).

jcb.rupress.org   11/08/2019   Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) is an international peer-reviewed journal owned by The Rockefeller University and published by Rockefeller University Press. In the early 1950s, a small group of biologists began to explore intracellular anatomy using the emerging technology of electron microscopy.

jcb.rupress.org/content/163/2/303   31/10/2017

joaquinsevilla.blogspot.com   27/02/2017

johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com   31/03/2019

joselorlop.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

journals.aps.org   01/05/2018   Physical Review Journals. Published by the American Physical Society.

journals.aps.org/prd   09/03/2015

journals.aps.org/prl   09/03/2015

justoginer.com   06/03/2017

kavli.columbia.edu/leadership/yuste   19/08/2017

kellamaths.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

kgs.logic.at   16/07/2015

kipac.stanford.edu/kipac   21/02/2016   KIPAC. The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, or KIPAC, was inaugurated in 2003 as an independent laboratory of Stanford University to serve as a bridge between the disciplines of astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics. KIPAC's members work in the Physics and Applied Physics Departments on the Stanford campus and at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

l3.web.cern.ch/l3   25/12/2016

l3cos.web.cern.ch/l3cos   25/12/2016

la-proporcion-aurea.blogspot.com   28/08/2014

lasmatematicas.eu   06/03/2017

lasmatesdemama.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

lbbm.obs-banyuls.fr   18/02/2017

lecob.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/index.html   18/02/2017

leeryescribirconmat.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography   11/12/2019   This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science.

link.springer.com/journal/10571   29/09/2016

link.springer.com/journal/10855   29/09/2016

link.springer.com/journal/11010   29/09/2016

link.springer.com/journal/11068   29/09/2016

link.springer.com/journal/11082   19/05/2016   Optical and Quantum Electronics provides an international forum for the publication of original research papers, tutorial reviews and letters in such fields as optical physics, optical engineering and optoelectronics.

link.springer.com/journal/430   29/09/2016

link.springer.com/journal/702   29/09/2016

logic.rwth-aachen.de   04/06/2018   Das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet für Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik ist Teil der Fachgruppe Mathematik. Es besteht jedoch sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Lehre eine starke Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachgruppe Informatik, insbesondere mit dem Lehrstuhl für Informatik 7 (Prof. Dr. Martin Grohe).

logik.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/index.html   11/12/2017

lomic.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/index.html   18/02/2017

mao-projekt.de/BRD/HES/DA/Frankfurt_VDS_KSG_Widerspruch.shtml   24/04/2020   Universität Frankfurt: 'Widerspruch' - Zeitung der KSG für Mathematiker und Physiker (1972-1975). Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition. Von Jürgen Schröder, Berlin.

mappingignorance.org   06/03/2017

marathon.csee.usf.edu   25/01/2017

marathon.csee.usf.edu/publications.php   25/01/2017

marathon.csee.usf.edu/range/seg-comp/SegComp.html   25/01/2017

marathon.csee.usf.edu/research.php   25/01/2017

mascienciapf.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

mat.ub.edu   31/01/2016

matejavi10.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

mateliteratura.wordpress.com   11/12/2019   Literatura y matemáticas.

matematicas.reduaz.mx/web   29/12/2015   La actual UAM tuvo como antecesores histórico el Centro de Matemáticas, creado en 1982, que después se convertiría en la Escuela de Matemáticas de la UAZ, pasando por ser la Facultad de Matemáticas, hasta lo que hoy conocemos como Unidad Académica de Matemáticas.

matematicas.uclm.es/depmate/index.php   02/02/2016   Bienvenidos al Dpto. de Matemáticas. El departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha imparte docencia en los campus de Albacete, Almadén, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Toledo.

matematicas.ucm.es   31/01/2016

matematicascercanas.com   06/03/2017

matematicaseducativas.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

matematicasesc4de16.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

matematicasmundo.ftp.catedu.es   06/03/2017

matematicasrecreativasyeducativas.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

matematicasyfutbol.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

matematics.wordpress.com   06/03/2017

matemelga.wordpress.com   06/03/2017

matemetriaygeomaticas.blogspot.com   06/03/2017

matesmates.wordpress.com   13/02/2015

mateturismo.wordpress.com   11/12/2019   Turismo matemático. Recreando la belleza.

math.ac.vn/vi   02/02/2016   Viện Toán học.

math.arizona.edu   06/05/2016   Thank you for visiting The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics website. This site provides information about our undergraduate program, our graduate program, and information about research by our faculty members.

math.arizona.edu/~dsl/dl.htm   06/05/2016   David Lovelock retired on January 31, 2004, after 30 great years at the Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona.

math.arizona.edu/~dsl/enigma.htm   06/10/2016   MAW 97: CIPHERS. The Enigma Machine. Photos of the Enigma Machine previously available from the Electronic Museum, University of Hamburg, Germany. Very large GIF files. By kind permission of the photographer, Morton Swimmer, and Klaus Brunnstein of the University of Hamburg, these photos are now available at The University of Arizona.

math.au.dk   13/04/2019   Institut for Matematiske oprettet samtidig med Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultet den 20. august 1954. Svend Bundgaard, der var instituttets første professor forestod instituttets opbygning og var dets leder indtil han i 1971 blev universitetets rektor.

math.berkeley.edu   06/10/2016   The Department of Mathematics at Berkeley is generally recognized as one of the broadest, liveliest, and most distinguished departments of mathematics in the world.

math.berkeley.edu/~smale/crystals.html   06/10/2016

math.berkeley.edu/~steel/papers/Publications.html   06/10/2016

math.boisestate.edu   09/03/2019   The Department of Mathematics offers algebra and precalculus courses through the Math Learning Center. We also have courses in statistics, quantitative reasoning, discrete mathematics, and an innovative calculus series and beyond. A math degree is a valuable stepping stone to many careers, including computing, consulting, data science, education, finance, security, and many more.

math.boisestate.edu/~holmes   09/03/2019   Overview of Randall Holmes's Home Page. There is a section of personal data (with random links), (or you can see my curriculum vita curriculum vita (with publication list), a section on my theoretical research in Quine's "New Foundations" and related systems.

math.boisestate.edu/~holmes/holmes/nf.html   09/03/2019   New Foundations home page. This page is (permanently) under construction by Randall Holmes. The subject of the home page which is developing here is the set theory "New Foundations", first introduced by W. V. O. Quine in 1937. This is a refinement of Russell's theory of types based on the observation that the types in Russell's theory look the same, as far as one can apparently prove.

math.bu.edu/DYSYS/FRACGEOM/index.html   07/10/2016

math.bu.edu/DYSYS/FRACGEOM2/FRACGEOM2.html   07/10/2016

math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/jeffs/biblio.html   07/10/2016

math.bu.edu/people/aki   07/10/2016

math.byu.edu   16/08/2019

math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/mquot.html   25/12/2014

math.medarbejdere.au.dk   10/12/2017

math.osu.edu   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/hydrogen/A0.html   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/information   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/noether.html   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/Glass/glass.html   31/03/2019

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/TWF.html   01/09/2015

math.ucr.edu/home/baez/uncertainty.html   01/09/2015

math2.org   14/06/2018

math2.org/math/es-tables.htm   14/06/2018

math2.org/math/spanish/eng-spa.htm   14/06/2018

mathdept.ucr.edu   24/04/2020   Welcome to the UC Riverside Mathematics Department. Department of Mathematics. College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences.

mathematicae.wordpress.com   20/06/2016   MATEMATICAS. Et exquisitores intellegentiae viam autem. Un pequeño experimento en el que trato de plasmar ideas, conceptos, definiciones, etc. de matemáticas. Sin un guión preestablecido.

mathematics.dk   10/12/2017

mathematics.jhu.edu   31/01/2016

mathforum.org   25/12/2014

mathforum.org/dr.math   25/12/2014

mathforum.org/mathed/constructivist.search.html   25/12/2014

math-it.org/Mathematik/MathPol/Banzhaf.html   12/02/2015

math-it.org/Mathematik/MathPol/BanzhafJAppletIndex.html   12/02/2015

mathlab.siu.edu   12/02/2015

mathoverflow.net   12/02/2015

mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk   04/04/2020   MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Schmidt   10/06/2020   Erhard Schmidt's father was a medical biologist called Alexander Schmidt. Erhard's university career followed a pattern which was common in Germany at this time, namely that students studied at several different universities as their course progressed. He attended his local university in Dorpat before going to Berlin where he studied with Schwarz.

mathsnet.net/puzzles.html   12/02/2015

mathstat.helsinki.fi   12/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com   28/03/2018   MathWorld is the web's most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world's mathematics and internet communities as part of a commitment to education and educational outreach by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica. MathWorld has been assembled over more than a decade by Eric W. Weisstein with assistance from thousands of contributors.

mathworld.wolfram.com/FastFourierTransform.html   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/FourierTransform.html   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/letters   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/OuchiIllusion.html   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/topics   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/DefiniteIntegrals.html   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/ProbabilityandStatistics.html   11/02/2015

mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/Terminology.html   11/02/2015

math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel   11/02/2015

medarbejdere.au.dk   10/12/2017

medlaw.oxfordjournals.org   28/07/2014   The Medical Law Review is established as an authoritative source of reference for academics, lawyers, legal and medical practitioners, law students, and anyone interested in healthcare and the law. The Review presents articles of international interest which provide thorough analyses and comment on the wide range of topical issues that are fundamental to this expanding area of law.

micro.magnet.fsu.edu/index.html   21/05/2020   Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope. The Molecular Expressions website features hundreds of photomicrographs (photographs through the microscope) of everything from superconductors, gemstones, and high-tech materials to ice cream and beer.

micromath.wordpress.com   05/04/2020

molmovdb.mbb.yale.edu/molmovdb   20/08/2014   Database of Macromolecular Movements with Associated Tools for Flexibility and Geometric Analysis. This describes the motions that occur in proteins and other macromolecules, particularly using movies. Associated with it are a variety of free software tools and servers for structural analysis.

molpharm.aspetjournals.org   26/01/2017

morethanmath.org   09/10/2015

moro.imss.fi.it/lavoisier   09/06/2020   Panopticon Lavoisier.

mplant.oxfordjournals.org   28/07/2014   Molecular Plant is a recently founded international journal publishing significant findings in plant biology, focusing broadly on cellular biology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, development, and evolution.

mrburkemath.blogspot.com   05/04/2020

mtnmath.com   12/09/2019

mtnmath.com/faq/meas-qm.html   12/09/2019

mujeresconciencia.com   10/12/2019   Mujeres con ciencia. Un blog de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la UPV/EHU.

naukas.com   23/04/2020   Naukas es el proyecto de Miguel Artime (Maikelnai’s), Antonio Martínez (Fogonazos) y Javier Peláez (La Aldea Irreductible) quienes han unido sus fuerzas para realizar la mayor plataforma online de divulgación científica en español.

newjournal.kcsnet.or.kr   19/12/2014   Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society has been published since 1980 as the official research journal of the Korean Chemical Society to reach out to the chemical community worldwide. It is now published monthly. All of the articles in this journal are indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, and KCI.

newjournal.kcsnet.or.kr   28/04/2017

nzjm.math.auckland.ac.nz/index.php/New_Zealand_Journal_of_Mathematics   04/06/2020   The New Zealand Journal of Mathematics is published by a joint committee of the New Zealand Mathematical Society and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Auckland. It publishes original research, expository or survey articles across a wide range of Mathematics.