www.o _ www.s - (139 links).

www.obm.org.br   14/04/2017

www.oedilf.com/db/Lim.php?Topic=13   14/04/2015

www.ohio.edu/cas/physastro   19/12/2014   The Department of Physics & Astronomy is dedicated to developing a deeper understanding of the natural world, to educating undergraduate and graduate students, and to conveying the concepts and logic of the discipline to the broader community.

www.oma.org.ar   27/10/2015

www.ommenlinea.org   23/07/2018

www.open.ac.uk/science/physical-science   05/06/2017

www.open.edu/openlearn/science-maths-technology   08/03/2018   Science, Maths & Technology. The rules of the universe and how we work with them.

www.opioids.com   03/06/2014   Opioids: past, present and future. From opium to designer-narcotics.

www.organic-chemistry.org   05/05/2018

www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions   05/05/2018

www.organicdivision.org   05/05/2018

www.organicdivision.org/organicchemistvideos   25/11/2015

www.pa.msu.edu/research/condensed-matter-physics   11/02/2018   Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) is a highly diverse field encompassing a wide range of theories and experiments. Here at Michigan State University, we have exciting and innovative research programs in light-matter interactions, nanostructured materials, quantum and classical fluctuations, superconductivity, ultrafast spectroscopies, biophysics — and more!

www.pa.msu.edu/research/nuclear-physics   11/02/2018   The Nuclear Physics program at the MSU Department of Physics and Astronomy centers on the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) and its new extension, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB).

www.pa.ucla.edu   12/02/2018   UCLA Physics & Astronomy. Physics & Astronomy Department Chair Jean Turner is an extragalactic astrophysicist. She received her A.B. and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard University and UC Berkeley. Before joining UCLA as professor she worked at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and has been a Visiting Scientist at Caltech, Space Telescope, and the Joint ALMA Observatory.

www.pardell.es   21/09/2018

www.pasteur.net/php/index.php   15/04/2015

www.pasteurbrewing.com   15/04/2015

www.pdx.edu/physics   16/09/2014

www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/mathxl   11/02/2015

www.periodni.com   23/05/2020   EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements, Calculators, and Printable Materials. Everything for chemists: from the periodic system in online and PDF versions, to online calculators and free software for chemists. English-Croatian chemistry dictionary and glossary is always at hand.

www.philbrickarchive.org   12/04/2018

www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~dpaar   08/11/2015

www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~dpaar/fizicari   08/11/2015

www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/xcopern.html   08/11/2015

www.physics.helsinki.fi   02/02/2016   Fysiikan laitos on suurin laitos Helsingin yliopistossa ja alansa suurin Suomessa. Laitoksen opetusala, fysikaaliset tieteet, käsittää fysiikan, teoreettisen fysiikan, geofysiikan, meteorologian ja tähtitieteen. Ruotsinkielinen ja englanninkielinen opetus ovat luonnollinen osa laitoksen toimintaa. Fysiikan aineenopettajakoulutus on osa laitoksen opetusohjelmaa.

www.physics.helsinki.fi/tutkimus/mat   02/02/2016   Materiaalifysiikan tehtävänä on korkeatasoinen materiaalifysiikan tutkimus kansainvälisellä tasolla sekä tutkijakoulutus. Tieteellinen kompetenssi perustuu sisäiseen toimintaan sekä suurten kansainvälisten tutkimuslaitosten, kuten ESRF, CERN ja ITER-laitteistojen hyväksikäyttöön.

www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sokal   29/01/2018   Alan Sokal. Professor of Physics, New York University. Alan Sokal's writings on science, philosophy and culture.

www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sokal/dawkins.html   12/03/2016   Postmodernism disrobed by Richard Dawkins. Published in Nature, 9 July 1998, vol. 394, pp. 141-143.

www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sokal/fish.html   12/03/2016   Professor Sokal's Bad Joke by Stanley Fish. Published in The New York Times, May 21, 1996.

www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~physedu   11/06/2016   The Ohio State University. Physics Education Research. Measurement of scientific reasoning ability and conceptual understanding of physics content. Quantitative models of learning and assessment. Cognitive origins of student difficulties. Measurement of learning, decay and interference in student understanding during a course.

www.physics.purdue.edu   11/06/2016   Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University. The faculty, staff and students invite you to explore our web pages on which we describe forefront research, flexible degree options for both undergraduate and graduate students, and a nationally recognized outreach program that invites participation by students and faculty.

www.physics.rice.edu   11/06/2016   Rice University Physics & Astronomy Department.

www.physics.rutgers.edu   23/08/2016   Department of Physics and Astronomy. The State University of New Jersey.

www.physics.rutgers.edu/het   23/08/2016 Theoretical High Energy Physics. Theoretical particle physics has advanced its frontiers enormously in recent years. The success of the Weinberg-Salam model of electroweak interactions, culminating in the recent discovery of the W+- and Z, has led to efforts to find a unified theory including quantum chromodynamics and perhaps general relativity as well.

www.physics.sfsu.edu   23/08/2016   The Department of Physics and Astronomy at SF State makes research and teaching its top priorities. Students planning to pursue a PhD degree or to enter industry can expect an outstanding education and exposure to cutting-edge research through our BS and MS programs.

www.physics.sfsu.edu/Research.html   23/08/2016   Department of Physics & Astronomy. Members of the department conduct research in a wide range of subfields. If you are interested in joining a research group, we encourage you to make an appointment to speak with a member of the faculty.

www.physics.siu.edu   01/11/2016   The Department of Physics offers four separate undergraduate applied physics degree specializations in addition to Masters and Doctorates in Physics. The Department has several major, federally funded research projects and actively encourages student participation in research of both graduate and undergraduate students.

www.physics.sunysb.edu/Physics   27/09/2016   Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University. The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers a diverse program and consistently ranks amongst the best and largest in the country. The US News and World listed the department as 23rd out of 145 programs in the United States, with the Nuclear Physics program ranked 4th.

www.physics.ucsb.edu   27/09/2016   The Department of Physics at UC Santa Barbara has seen exponential growth since its inception in 1944, comprising then just a small handful of students and faculty interested in pushing the limits of scientific discovery.

www.physics.ucsb.edu/research   27/09/2016   Research. Department of Physics. UC Santa Barbara.

www.physics.ucsc.edu   11/10/2014

www.physics.umd.edu/lecdem/services/demos/demosh6/h6-05.htm   02/01/2013

www.physics.unsw.edu.au   10/07/2018

www.physics.uoguelph.ca   01/11/2016   The Guelph Physics Department has 16 faculty and offers strong programs in research and teaching to the Ph.D. level. The graduate and research programs are enhanced by participation in the Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute (GWPI) and the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group (BIG).

www.physics.uoguelph.ca/tutorials/shm/Q.shm.html   01/11/2016   SIMPLE HARMONICMOTION. © Department of Physics, University of Guelph.

www.physics.upenn.edu   16/09/2018   University of Pennsylvania. Department of Physics & Astronomy.

www.physics.utah.edu   02/02/2017   The mission of the University of Utah Department of Physics & Astronomy is to advance knowledge about the appearances and interactions of energy and matter and of celestial objects and phenomena.

www.physics.uwo.ca   02/02/2017   The University of Western Ontario was founded in 1878, with the Physics program beginning in 1915. During the intervening 100 years, the Department of Physics and Astronomy has grown into a world class research and teaching facility and has shown that it is a leader in many fields. There have been some promient figures associated with the department through the years.

www.physics.wisc.edu   02/02/2017   Physics Department. University of Wisconsin-Madison. The UW Physics Department awarded its first PhD in 1899. Since then our students have earned degrees in virtually every area of physics, and our faculty have played key roles in a myriad of important research efforts.

www.physics911.net   06/03/2017   PHYSICS 911. Scientific Panel Investigating the Events Of September 11, 2001.

www.physicscentral.com   06/03/2017   The American Physical Society represents some 48,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With PhysicsCentral, we communicate the excitement and importance of physics to everyone. We invite you to visit our site every week to find out how physics is part of your world.

www.physicsforums.com   14/09/2014

www.physik.uni-hamburg.de   03/04/2020   Fachbereich Physik. Universität Hamburg. Der Fachbereich Physik besitzt sechs Institute und ist an fünf Forschungszentren beteiligt. Die Institute und Forschungszentren verteilen sich auf drei Standorte des Fachbereichs.

www.physik.uni-regensburg.de   06/03/2017   Fakultät für Physik. Universität Regensburg.

www.physik.uni-wuppertal.de/physik-home.html   06/03/2017   Physik-Home. Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften Fachgruppe Physik. Bergische Universität Wuppertal.

www.physikon.de   06/03/2017   Physik Lernen mit Physikon - lexikon lernportal studium schule homepage hausaufgabe buch referat facharbeit formelsammlung hausaufgaben. Interaktives Physik-Lernsystem für Schüler und Studenten mit Erklärungen zur Physik, Bildschirmexperimenten, Physik-Aufgaben, Physik-Applets, Foren, Physik-Links, Suchfunktionen, Lernfunktion ...

www.physionet.org   04/06/2018   PhysioNet, the research resource for complex physiologic signals. PhysioNet offers free web access to large collections of recorded physiologic signals (PhysioBank) and related open-source software (PhysioToolkit). PhysioBank databases are made available under the ODC Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0.

www.physlink.com   03/04/2020   PhysLink. Physics and Astronomy Online. Physics news, reference, education articles, job board, physics fun, and more. Most popular physics and astronomy online portal since 1995!

www.physlink.com/Reference   04/06/2018   Physics and Astronomy Reference.

www.physlink.com/Reference/Glossary.cfm   04/06/2018   Physics and Astronomy Glossary. Technical terms of science have very specific meanings. Standard dictionaries are not always the best source of useful and correct definitions of them. This glossary is not intended to be complete. It focuses on those terms which give students particular difficulties. Some words have subtle and intricate meanings which cannot be encapsulated in a short definition.

www.pi.infn.it   03/04/2020

www.pims.math.ca   07/03/2017

www.pmf.unizg.hr   08/05/2018   Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 21. travnja obilježava Dan fakulteta. Na taj dan 1876. godine Gjuro Pilar održao je prvo predavanje iz mineralogije i geologije na matematičko-prirodoslovnom odjelu Mudroslovnog fakulteta, čime započinje organizirani znanstveni i nastavni rad iz prirodoslovnja i matematike na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu.

www.pmf.unizg.hr/phy   08/11/2015

www.polytechnique.edu   16/12/2017

www.polytechnique.edu/bibliotheque   16/12/2017

www.pro-physik.de/view/index.html   18/08/2016

www.qedeq.org   09/04/2018

www.qmul.ac.uk/maths   12/11/2020   School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary University of London.

www.quantum-electron.ru/pa.phtml?page=geninfo   10/09/2018   Квантовая электроника — ведущий российский научный ежемесячный журнал в области лазеров и их применений, а также по связанным с ними тематикам: лазерная физика и техника. нелинейная оптика. лазерные технологии, нанотехнологии. фотоника. лазерная медицина и биология. волоконная и интегральная оптика.

www.quantumlah.org   09/09/2019   The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) is a National Research Centre of Excellence (RCE) in Singapore. It brings together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physics and to build devices based on quantum phenomena. Experts in this new discipline of quantum technologies are applying their discoveries in computing, communications, and sensing.

www.reading.ac.uk/chemistry   01/04/2016   The Department of Chemistry has been an established seat of learning at Reading for more than a century, with the first Professor of Chemistry being appointed here in 1907. The Department now has 21 research-active staff, with >£7.5 M of current grants - mainly from UK Research Councils.

www.recursoscientificos.fecyt.es   28/01/2020

www.renyi.hu/hu   28/11/2019   Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet.

www.rheothing.com   10/10/2015

www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at   03/06/2018

www.rsc.org   12/11/2020   The Royal Society of Chemistry. Our origins can be traced through the history of our predecessor societies: the Chemical Society, the Society for Analytical Chemistry, the Royal Institute of Chemistry and the Faraday Society. These four bodies merged in 1980 to form The Royal Society of Chemistry, which was granted a new Royal Charter in 1980.

www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases   12/11/2020   The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 45 peer-reviewed journals, more than 1,500 print books and a collection of online databases and literature updating services. Our international publishing portfolio covers the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.

www.rsme.es   11/12/2019   La Real Sociedad Matemática Española es una sociedad científica cuyo fin es la promoción y divulgación de las Matemáticas y sus aplicaciones, y el fomento de su investigación y enseñanza en todos los niveles educativos.

www.sanbi.ac.za   11/12/2019   South African National Bioinformatics Institute, SANBI was founded in 1996 by Winston Hide, a South African computational biologist who returned from the USA. The Institute has been developed within the University of the Western Cape faculty of Natural Sciences. It is legally part of the UWC.

www.sbm.org.br   09/11/2019   A Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática é uma entidade civil, de caráter cultural e sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1969, por ocasião do VII Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, em Poços de Caldas.

www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica   04/06/2018   Es un curso de Física general que trata desde conceptos simples como el movimiento rectilíneo hasta otros más complejos como las bandas de energía de los sólidos.

www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica/cuantica/FisicaModerna.htm   13/04/2018

www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica_/   13/04/2018

www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica3   02/05/2020   Curso Interactivo de Física en Internet. Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería de Energías Renovables.

www.scicentral.com/P-02phys.html   08/11/2015

www.scielo.br   09/11/2019   The Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The library is an integral part of a project being developed by FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, in partnership with BIREME - the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information.

www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_issues&pid=0103-9733   16/06/2018   Brazilian Journal of Physics.

www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_issues&pid=0327-0793   11/08/2019   Latin American applied research, versión impresa ISSN 0327-0793versión On-line ISSN 1851-8796. Título Anterior: Revista Latinoamericana de Ingeniería Química y Química Aplicada. Título Nuevo:

www.sciencedaily.com   29/03/2018

www.sciencedirect.com   11/12/2019   Explore scientific, technical, and medical research on ScienceDirect. The leading platform of peer-reviewed literature that helps you move your research forward. Over 900,000 articles on ScienceDirect are open access.

www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books   11/12/2019   Browse 4156 journals and 29.595 books. ScienceDirect.

www.scienceforums.com   09/01/2020

www.sciencegems.com   24/04/2020   Frank Potter's Science Gems. Great links to Great Science Resources. For students, parents, teachers, scientists, engineers and mathematicians. More than 14,000 Science Resources sorted by Category, Subcategory, and Grade Level.

www.sciencehistory.org   09/09/2020   The Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of the innovators and scientific discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.

www.sciencehistory.org/historical-biographies   09/09/2020   Historical Biographies. Science is a human pursuit. Meet the people behind some of the most important milestones in chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.

www.scientificamerican.com   02/09/2020   Scientific American covers the advances in research and discovery that are changing our understanding of the world and shaping our lives. Founded 1845, it is the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States and now reaches more than 10 million people around the world each month through its website, print and digital editions, newsletters and app.

www.scientificamerican.com/espanol   13/02/2019

www.scilogs.com/chemical_calisthenics   23/04/2015   Chemical Calisthenics. A random walk through chemistry-related topics and the joys and pains of research. I am a Professor of Chemistry at the Pennsylvania State University. I am also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

www.scs.illinois.edu   14/06/2018

www.scs.illinois.edu/~mainzv/exhibit   14/06/2018

www.scs.illinois.edu/~mainzv/HIST   14/06/2018

www.scs.illinois.edu/~mainzv/Web_Genealogy   14/06/2018

www.scs.illinois.edu/xray_exhibit   14/06/2018

www.sdu.dk/da   10/12/2017

www.sdu.dk/da/om_sdu/institutter_centre/imada_matematik_og_datalogi   13/11/2020   Velkommen til Institut for Matematik & Datalogi. Her har vi samlet det bedste inden for forskning, uddannelse og studiemiljø i matematik og datalogi i vores afdeling af Syddansk Universitet.

www.seeingstatistics.com   24/08/2018

www.seilnacht.com/index.htm   23/05/2020   SEILNACHT. Naturwissenschaften unterrichten. Naturwissenschaften verstehen - Unterricht vorbereiten und kreativ gestalten.

www.seilnacht.tuttlingen.com   09/09/2019   Naturwissenschaften verstehen. Unterricht vorbereiten und kreativ gestalten. Naturwissenschaften unterrichten.

www.seilnacht.tuttlingen.com/Lexikon/Lexikon.htm   09/09/2019   Chemische Begriffe nachschlagen. Seilnachts Chemielexikon.

www.seilnacht.tuttlingen.com/Lexikon/orglex.htm   26/09/2015

www.seilnacht.tuttlingen.com/Lexikon/ULexikon.htm   26/09/2015

www.sema.org.es/es   07/05/2018

www.setac.org   27/12/2014   SETAC is a not-for-profit, global professional organization comprised of some 5,500 individual members and institutions from academia, business and government.

www.sheffield.ac.uk/chemistry   23/07/2017

www.shsu.edu/academics/chemistry   26/04/2016

www.siam.org   19/12/2016   The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members.

www.slidermath.com   16/04/2017

www.sliderulemuseum.com   16/04/2017

www.slu.se   01/10/2016

www.smf.mx   20/08/2016

www.smm.org.mx   30/10/2020   La Sociedad Matemática Mexicana es una asociación civil que se gesta durante el Primer Congreso Nacional de Matemáticas reunido en la ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, en noviembre de 1942 como una asociación de carácter cultural al servicio de la sociedad mexicana. Fue fundada por cincuenta años a partir del 30 de junio de 1943.

www.smm.org.mx/2emmm   23/07/2018

www.smm.org.mx/noticias.php   23/07/2018

www.sns.ias.edu   05/11/2017

www.sns.ias.edu/~jnb   05/11/2017

www.sosmath.com   04/04/2020   S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations! The perfect study site for high school, college students and adult learners.

www.southalabama.edu   09/03/2019

www.spiedigitallibrary.org   22/12/2019   The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 500,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings and more than 370 eBooks from SPIE Press from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers and 25 eBooks are added annually.

www.springer.com/journal/10509   07/10/2020

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www.springer.com/journal/11444   07/10/2020

www.springer.com/journal/12036   07/10/2020

www.springer.com/journal/12036   07/10/2020

www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en   18/02/2019   Tomorrow´s Research Today. SSRN´s eLibrary provides 847,113 research papers from 426,524 researchers across 30 disciplines. SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.

www.st-andrews.ac.uk/maths   04/02/2016   History and overview of School. Our School was founded as a single separate entity in 1987, by merging the existing departments of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. For a while in the 1990s it also included Computer Science, now a school in its own right.

www.swsbm.com/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html   23/05/2020   Michael Moore. SW School of Botanical Medicine Home Page. The SWSBM continues to offer distance learning programs that represent Michael Moore's herbal wisdom and the unique knowledge he accumulated during three decades of teaching and a lifetime of studying medicinal plants.

www.systbio.org   02/09/2016   The Society of Systematic Biologists advances the science of systematic biology in all its aspects of theory, principles, methodology, and practice, for both living and fossil organisms, with emphasis on areas of common interest to all systematic biologists regardless of individual specialization. Systematics is the study of biological diversity and its origins.